Owning a Suntask is a practical way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere. Occasionally,the sun's radiation needs a helping and to This mainly occursmaintain your hot water emperature. during continual cloudy days in the winter season. Your untask comes tandard with an electric, or an optional gas booster, to ensure you will never be without steaming hot water.No entional hot water system pays for itself, like your new Suntask does. With 50% to 90% of your hot water coming free from the sun, you'll be saving money before you know it. More than that, your savings with a Suntask continue year after year. After you recover your initial investment, the savings are yours to spend on yourself and your family.
Shentai Solar Inc @ 2016 Zhejiang Shentai Solar Energy Co., Ltd. Solar thermal applications manufactures
TEL:+86 0573 87861111 FAX:+86 0573 87862577 Email:info@suntasksolar.com
ADD:Yuanhua Industry Park, Haining, Zhejiang, China 浙ICP备15007497号